Hora de Levantarse, evento online y gratuito de Tony Robbins

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Registrate en Encontrarse y empezá a conocer gente ya

Hola a todos,

Les comparto este evento de Tony Robbins, es un evento de 3 dias gratuito, es todo en ingles. 

Excelente, en este caso el titulo es TIME TO RISE , hora de levantarse .

El evento es Enero 25-26 y 27 a las 4 pm de Argentina 



Les dejo aca el contenido del seminario, Lo dejo en ingles dado que para participar vas a neceistar ingles 


Become The Person You Were Always Meant to Be


When... will you become the person, you were always meant to be?
When... will the world experience the true greatness that lies within you?
When... will you step up?

Now is the time!

It’s time... to wake up to who you truly are.
It’s time... to transform dreams into action.
It’s time... to stop settling for anything less and make today the start of
your best year ever.
It’s time... to reach your next level, so you can do more, create more, share
more, and give MORE.

Your “when” is NOW.
It’s time to rise.



Transformation Doesn’t Have to Take Decades

We’ve proven transformation can happen in an instant, but you immerse yourself to create that change. During these virtual LIVE three days with Tony Robbins, you will... 
Accelerate Your Journey Knowing You Are on the Right Path
Get the brand new 7-step system to clarify your vision, verify your path and accelerate the journey that’s meant for you.
Design a “2024 Results Plan” To Make This Year Your Best Year Ever 
Go from broad intentions to concrete actions that fill you with the confidence you need to stay committed during the year
Uncover and Break Through What’s Held You Back in the Past
Gain critical insights into what’s held you back in the past, redesign your future and make the necessary shifts to make this your best year ever.
Discover the Identity Shift That Will Empower Your Authentic Self
Embrace and elevate the transformation of your exceptional self, crafting a life beyond ordinary and stepping into what you are truly capable of becoming.
Maximize Your Potential with Proven “Science of Growth” Tools
Get the #1 scientifically backed, Stanford-proven strategy to rapidly achieve significant leaps in brief yet potent intervals and exponentially speed up success.


Los que puedan hacerlo, avisenmé y si quieren nos juntamos virtualmente a intercambiar ideas sobre lo aprendido.

Yo lo voy a hacer









Gente linda ! Los que sepan ingles, les super recomiendo este seminario gratuito. son 3 dias de 2.horas y media cada día. 




Recuerden que les recomendé esto. Esta en vivo en este momento 



Yo lo estoy haciendo